Me, Myself and I

Let me introduce myself with more details :)

My name is Clémence, I'm French but my nickname for art projects is Fetilon.

I'm currently 22 and I started teaching in June 2023. However my career really started in September 2023 with a one-year long job in an agricultural highschool. I studied English, German and Korean in college bu I've never studied teaching methods nor pedagogy. So when I started this school year it was the most terrifying thing I've faced in my life. I had to learn everything by trying things and by directly facing my students.

This amazing work opportunity had me learning sooooo much things. But I fear I will not remember it for long so I want to keep track of my experiences and my thoughts.

So here comes this blog ! At first I thought of writing everything in a diary but it is so much more fun to create something new and learn how to do a blog (not mentioning the fact that my dear boyfriend is an IT student so he is helping me a lot for this project, let's thank him for that and go visit his blog).

I extended this blog to also include personal thoughts about my life, my experiences or society topics for example. I also added a category gathering some of my art pieces and projects eventhough I'm just an amateur and it's nothing serious :)

Thank you very much for your time and your attention !
