Hello ! Today I want to talk about something I did not planned on : the pretension I'm showing since my first job.
In general I try to stay humble in my life because doing mistakes is so common that I don't want to pretend I'm not doing any. IDK if I really am humble but at least I'm trying. And this year job was a gift for me, I was very lucky to receive this opportunity.
But I did not believe in myself. I did not think I was good enough to do it and I did not think I was ready to work as a teacher. It was so hard to trust myself and trust my skills and my work, but as I saw it was working it started to be easier. I had a better self estime and I started to think I knew what I was doing. But it's not true at all. I'm too young and too new to know everything in my field. It upsets me to think about how pretentious I can get when I talk about things I have witnessed at school.
Some things I did was okay, some things was good, I'm proud of some others BUT I also did wrong things duh of course. So here's a lil list of my mistakes this year to humble myself a little bit :
- The first class I gave to every class was cringe, not well prepared and useless
- I started to give lessons to my students without any coherence at all. It was just pure grammar lessons with no aim (really bad teaching)
- Sometimes I was fed up by my students' dumb questions and it hurt their feeling (I think I'll write an article about this)
- I let them use their phones when they shouldn't have
- I was too nice for certain things and it shook their respect for me
- I was too kind and too relax at the end of the year, which made time harder for my colleagues who still needed to make them work. It also helped the students don't care for school near the end. And it also had nothing to do with English ! This was really problematic and I will absolutly do things differently next year
So that's it for this little improvised article. I can't stand my attitude and my pretension so maybe have written about it will help me remember who I really am.
Thank you very much for your time and your attention !