
Hello ! Today I want to talk about something I did not planned on : the pretension I'm showing since my first job.

In general I try to stay humble in my life because doing mistakes is so common that I don't want to pretend I'm not doing any. IDK if I really am humble but at least I'm trying. And this year job was a gift for me, I was very lucky to receive this opportunity.

But I did not believe in myself. I did not think I was good enough to do it and I did not think I was ready to work as a teacher. It was so hard to trust myself and trust my skills and my work, but as I saw it was working it started to be easier. I had a better self estime and I started to think I knew what I was doing. But it's not true at all. I'm too young and too new to know everything in my field. It upsets me to think about how pretentious I can get when I talk about things I have witnessed at school.

Some things I did was okay, some things was good, I'm proud of some others BUT I also did wrong things duh of course. So here's a lil list of my mistakes this year to humble myself a little bit :

So that's it for this little improvised article. I can't stand my attitude and my pretension so maybe have written about it will help me remember who I really am.

Thank you very much for your time and your attention !
